From the President

Ladies and gentlemen, valued club members, and cherished friends,              

As the President of Harvard Club in Kuwait, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude as I reflect on the journey we've embarked on together since club's inception and the promising path that lies ahead.

Our community is a vibrant tapestry of diversity, intellect, and ambition, where individuals from various backgrounds come together to pursue knowledge, foster innovation, and drive change. Each of you contributes a unique thread to this tapestry, weaving together a rich fabric of perspectives, ideas and experiences that enriches our knowledge landscape.

All of us on the Board of Directors share a deep passion for Harvard, and is dedicated to organizing engaging, meaningful programs and events that strengthen our ties with the university and connect alumni across Kuwait and beyond.

Looking to the future, let us embrace the opportunities that lie ahead with optimism and enthusiasm. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of knowledge, inspire innovation, and empower the next generation of leaders to shape a brighter tomorrow.

In the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect, let us reaffirm our dedication to the principles of academic freedom, diversity, equality and inclusion that are the cornerstones of our institution. By upholding these values, we ensure that Harvard in Kuwait remains a beacon of intellectual inquiry and a catalyst for positive change.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for your unwavering commitment and your invaluable contributions to our community. Together, let's embark on this new chapter with courage, curiosity, and a shared purpose.

Thank you, and may our pursuit of excellence continue unabated.

Nadia Khaled AlZeabot
President of Kuwait's Harvard Club